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Rym B.

data scientist
  • Tarif indicatif
    560 €/ jour
  • Expérience3-7 ans
  • Temps de réponse1h
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Localisation et déplacement
Paris, France
Peut travailler dans vos locaux à
  • Paris et 10km autour

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Ensemble de compétences
Rym en quelques mots
Dear Malt Community,

My name is Rim BACCOUR, and I am a data scientist within Beezen, a consulting company, with a masters of engineering in Mathematics and Computer Science from Paris Descartes and the National Engineering School of Tunis.
Throughout my four-year experience within the field, I had the chance to work on different challenges to automate data-driven solutions with great business values.
I got to work on:
1- E-commerce and recommendation use-cases within CARREFOUR.
2- Internal processes enhancement, ESG & financial performance assessment within BNP Security Services.
3- Bitcoin communities identification and fraudulent pattern detection within LIP6 research lab.
4- Music classification in the center of Arabic and Mediterranean music in Tunisia.
I got to work with many technologies and data platforms such as:
Jupyter notebook, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), python, pyspark, pytorch, Flask, Natural language processing (NLP), Classification algorithms (Random Forest, Xgboost, SVM...), Deep Networks (LSTM...).

As a data scientist, it has come to my attention that, next to practice, keeping up-to-date with the latest discoveries and researches in the field is of utmost importance. That is why I participate in kaggle competitions that challenge data scientists to come-up with the best machine learning models and enroll in advanced data science courses in order to understand the latest trends and tools.

So if you're searching for a motivated data scientist to work on your use-cases, don't hesitate to contact me :)
  • BNP Paribas Securities Services
    Data Scientist
    octobre 2019 - Aujourd'hui (5 ans)
    Région de Paris, France
    Data Scientist
    février 2018 - Aujourd'hui (6 ans et 8 mois)
  • Carrefour
    Data Scientist
    mai 2018 - juillet 2019 (1 an et 2 mois)
    Massy, Île-de-France, France
    GCP NLP E-commerce Docker flask Python
Recommandations externes
  • Master's degree
    Université Paris Descartes
  • Master's degree
    Ecole Nationale d'Ingenieurs de Tunis
  • Telecommunications Engineering Diploma
    Ecole Nationale d'Ingenieurs de Tunis
  • Preparatory Cycle Diploma
    IPEIT - Institut Préparatoire aux Etudes d'Ingénieurs de Tunis
  • Baccalauréat
    Lycée Pilote de Nabeul