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Mark Alexander

Developer Android, IOS, Web | Flutter
1 recommandation
  • Tarif indicatif
    550 €/ jour
  • Expérience3-7 ans
  • Taux de réponse100%
  • Temps de réponseQuelques jours
La mission ne démarrera que si vous acceptez le devis de Mark.
Localisation et déplacement
Berlin, Deutschland
Effectue ses missions majoritairement à distance

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Ensemble de compétences
Mark en quelques mots
Passionate about mobile development, I aim to build the innovative solutions of tomorrow :
- Software architect specialized in mobile development
- Very sensible to UI / UX
- IOS and Android development
- Deep knowledge of Flutter and Dart
- Experience with unit testing
  • LifeTap
    Software mobile/web architect | Flutter, ReactJs (NextJS)
    mai 2022 - Aujourd'hui (2 ans et 5 mois)
    Berlin, Germany
    LifeTap, the world’s first multi-user search engine (metaverse oriented), transforms search into a collective experience.

    My mission consisted of taking the responsibility for the different front-end products.

    Mobile app Android/IOS that suggests activities depending on group preferences (Flutter):
    - Total rework of the existing Flutter mobile app to give a better experience to the users.
    - Implementation of the atomic design pattern to make the app more maintainable for new developers.
    - Dealing with internal and several external APIs such as Google sign-in, Apple sign-in and Mapbox.
    - Implementation of several environments of development to facilitate testing processes.

    Multiplayer search-engine (ReactJs, NextJs):
    - Creation of the whole architecture from scratch respecting Atomic design pattern.
    - Implementation of an interactive map to provide a better experience for the users.
    - Work on a responsive design and compatilities across different OSs and navigators to garanty accessebility.
    Flutter React.js Next.js CSS3 Figma Dart Atomic Design
    Software mobile architect | Flutter
    mai 2022 - septembre 2022 (4 mois)
    Paris, France
    Quaestyo is creating an application to allow escape-game lovers to play together in the same cultural and playful investigation.

    My mission consisted to supervise the mobile dev team for the rework of Quaestyo's mobile app.

    - Creation of the architecture of the mobile application to allow other developers to start with a good base.
    - Weekly code review to ensure the quality of the code produced.
    - Support the development of challenging features to accelerate the development time.
    - Implementation of Augmented reality (AR) to provide a unique experience for the users.
    Flutter Dart Augmented Reality Atomic Design
  • Los Huhos
    Web Front-end developer | ReactJs, NextJs and Typescript
    mars 2022 - avril 2022 (1 mois)
    Paris, France
    Los Huhos is a company which is renting houses for holidays.

    The mission consisted to create a booking website.

    The key points are:
    - Development of a high performant website to ensure the quality of the user experience and SEO.
    - Implementation of a responsive design for mobile, tablet and desktop users.
    - Integration of an email API (emailJs) in order to send the reservation to the house owner.

    Targeted browsers: Safari, Chrome and Firefox.
    Next.js React.js CSS3 HTML5 Responsive Design Responsive Webdesign
1 recommandation externe

Dorian Gonzalez recommande Mark

  • Baccalauréat professionnel - Système électronique numérique (SEN)
    Lycée parc de Viilgénis
    Discovery of programming with Arduino and basic electronics.
  • Certificate of Literature and Letters in English
    Twin group London
    Linguistic English internship of 3 months, first international experience.
  • [BACHELOR] Information Technology
    Epitech Paris
    Discovery of computer science in three years in the form of technical projects. First-year with the C language to have solid bases. Second-year in C++ to open up to object-oriented programming. Third-year was for me the discovery of the mobile and web sector in which I really enjoyed myself.
  • [MASTER] Expert in Information Technology
    Epitech Paris
    The master allowed me to specialize in mobile development with Flutter and to be confronted with the problems related to the creation of a startup around a music production software via the Epitech Innovative Project (EIP).